Drive-in Service Instructions

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A Drive-in Worship Service (updated 5/12/20)

This Sabbath morning, we will have another drive-in worship service.

Here is what you must know beforehand:

  • Sabbath School will be online at 9:30am for adults and 10am for children. Email here for more information. The adults are also meeting in person in our Friendship Center across the parking lot from our main church building.
  • The worship service will begin at 11am.
  • If you plan to sit on chairs, please park away from those who are in their cars. This leaves more parking spaces for those who are staying in their cars.
  • If you want to sit, please park in the small lot on the west side of the church building or in the lot in front of the Friendship Center. Feel free to bring your own lawn chair. We'll also have chairs provided.
  • The church building will only be open for bathroom use. We ask that no one gather in there but enter and exit in an efficient manner. We ask that only one person enter a bathroom at a time unless a child needs their parent to accompany them. 
  • Mask Wearing in Athens:
    on July 8, Mayor Kelly Girtz signed an order approved by the Mayor and Commission that requires face coverings or masks to be worn in all public places within Athens-Clarke County. While masks and face coverings are not required for religious establishments, please take note of what we've already agreed upon for our worship times:
    • Everyone should come with a mask. You’ll need one to use the bathroom.
    • If you’re sitting on the lawn, you’ll need a mask on until you’re seated.
    • We’ll have some masks on hand. If you need one, please ask a greeter for one as you drive in.
  • Whether in a car or seated on the lawn, we will maintain the 6-feet distancing regulations currently in place. Please help us to do that well.
  • Continue to refrain from physical contact. It’s okay to smile and a distance. 
  • If you would like to remain home, we will still stream the service on our YouTube channel not on Zoom. (Search for Athens SDA church.) It'll also be on our Facebook page.
  • If you are sick, please stay home. We love and miss you and will pray for your healing.
  • Update on Social Distancing & Sheltering in Place: On October 15, 2020, Governor Kemp signed an Executive Order extending current COVID-19 restrictions and the public health state of emergency. The new Executive Order takes effect on October 16 at 12:00 a.m. and ends after October 31 at 11:59 p.m. The public health emergency is extended until November 9, 2020. We take these precautions seriously and wish to keep all of our members and guests as safe as we can.
  • We will have a simple bucket option for tithe and offering collection. If you choose this method instead of online giving, look for the large blue bucket at the greeters station as you come onto the church grounds. We will not have an offering collection period during this service.
  • If you have an announcement that pertains to the entire church, please share that announcement with Pastor Michaela before Sabbath morning.
  • Pay close attention to the weather. If it is raining in Athens, we’ll connect online only. If we have your phone number, you'll get a phone call by 8:30am on Saturday with cancellation information.


Here's How You Can Help

Setup Team: Come by 9:45am to lend a hand with setting up the outdoor sound equipment.

Flowers/Plants: Come by 9:45am with live, big plants/flowers for the "stage" area. Let Pastor Michaela know by Friday morning that you can do this.

Teardown Team: Stick around after worship to put away all the equipment.

Prayer Team: Being outside has its advantages. One is that we're more accessible to our community. We need folks praying for our hearts to be receptive to the Holy Spirit's guidance so that our collective witness can be clear and strong. We can all be part of this team!



(Drive-in worship began on June 6.)